"Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things." - T. S. Eliot


Outside Reading - finish books

Final poems - Wednesday

Return ALL books by WEDNESDAY

*** I NEED A CLASS PICTURE - everyone needs to be present or I can't take one!

May 26, 2011


I have decided to test your skills at the art of Haiku.  Haiku is a poetic form with Japanese origins.  Its structure lends itself to a deep meaning in a compact form. The content is usually conveyed in simple grammar and follows a syllabic pattern. The first line contains five (5) syllables, the second line seven (7) syllables, and the third line five (5) syllables. A Haiku doesn't rhyme. Instead, it must "paint" a mental image in the reader's mind. This is the challenge of Haiku writing - to put the poem's meaning and imagery in the reader's mind in only 17 syllables over just three (3) lines of poetry.

Your task for this blog entry is to create your own Haiku in response to the following prompt:
Guilty Pleasures.

Here are some examples below from Escriptus members - see if you can guess the guilty pleasure in each:

A little white lie,
My footprints at the doorstep,
Escape from the cage.

I inhale, hollow,
The thick blackened worries that
My lips push away

Apt imperfections Dermatillomania
Perceived flaws unmasked.

 "Short is the joy that guilty pleasure brings." - Euripides


Ashley Victoria Roxas said...

I'm quiet, silent,
Nobody would believe me
when I say I dance.

^I don't know if that counts so I thought of another one:

Overseas pop songs -
Who would know I listen to
Hip hop beats and sounds?

Nick Couper said...

I walk in the door

and form the opposition

Now start the debate

Email: nicocoup@msn.com

Kristie Varghese said...

The soft and sweet taste

Dark, milk, or white awesomeness

How could I resist?

I think the first poem is probably about sneaking out to parties without one's parents' knowing. The second poem is about smoking, and the last one I think is about make up or something along those lines.


Rachel Cooper said...

The last one is about compulsive skin picking disorder, which I have.

At home finally
Change channel convicts gun shots
An hour without stress

Vivek Thomas said...

I think the first poem is a way of saying how little white lies have come back to get him

My Families Trust
Gone like leaves in the Winter
When will it Return

liz butler said...

Lap Swimming helper
Readily Available
A swimmer's best friend.

1- leaving the house without permission (sneaking out)
2- smoking
3- obsessed with picking at skin


Raechel Ritzer said...

You’re my guilt pleasure
So beautiful, it is true
You’re so delicious

- the first one sounds like how most teens, myself included feel about our house(cage like).
-the second one I think is about someone is is somoking, but knows its bad, but cannot stop the addiction, and helps relieve stress for this person.


Christian Pineda said...

#1: I would relate the first Haiku to be like an adolescent, telling his or her parents that he or she will stay at home but really just leave the house and go out.

#2: Basically just like the person does not want to stop inhaling the cigarette but has to let the smoke out to be satisfied. it seems the person is a smoke addict.

#3: I think it is about feeling that you must not scratch or irritate your skin but you feel guilty because you're doing it to please yourself and you know it's just going to make it worse.

My face shatters on the tiled floor
My body crunched up, burning
A warm yellowish orange glow my eyes reflect

Christian Pineda said...


Emma Rodriguez said...

To drown out all else
Blasting sounds, content, alone.
Destroying my ears.

The first haiku is about sneaking out or escaping. The second describes smoking, and the third seems to describe a problem with skin picking or scratching perhaps. Or maybe this person is simply insecure about his or her skin.

sabrina tan said...

Inhale then exhale,
Difficult to exercise,
Wheezing in my lungs.

NancyP said...

Chips, cookies, icecream
Stuff my face with lots of food
Oh crap, I'm so fat.

- the first one is about escaping/sneaking out of the house
- the second one is about smoking
- the third is about a problem about picking your skin.


Charlotte Miller said...

Death stands by one ear
Waits for a choice in silence
A click or a boom

I believe it’s called “Rush and Roulette.” Take a gun, pick a barrel. If it clicks its empty, you live another day. Otherwise BOOM! Your parents dig your grave. It’s an addiction that people seem to ignore or brush off. I hear some even call it a sport.

Cesar presa said...

1. Sneaking out of home by telling parents a lie
2. Smoking
3. Having imperfect skin and covering it up

Look around, who's next
Can you stick or will you fade
Pride in check, round won

Danny Gardner said...

Home away from home
Hard work and dedication
Never say never

1.running away
3.acne/facial flaws

Bianca Sanabria said...

Sipping strong flavors
Dancing to beats of music
Everything turned blur

I believe the first poem is about someone sneaking out at night lying to his or her parents. The second poem has to deal with the pressure of smoking at a young age while the last deals with the struggles of teenager’s insecurities.


dapo said...

A ball in my hands
Dribbling it with excitement
My only escape

1.Running away from home
3.Skin imperfections

Abijah Minton said...

I see the ball there
the seconds winding down as
I taste victory

Sai M said...

As I ponder back
I see how much I've grown but
Where does the time go?

1. Sneaking out
2. Smoking
3. Picking at makeup or skin

Angelo Kolaitis said...

1: Running away
2: Smoking/drug usage
3: Acne

Look in the mirror
Disgusted feelings within
Should I hurt myself?

Efe Osemeha said...

Love in many forms,
Affection kills me softly
Tommorow comes fast

*The first poem seems as if the author lied about something small which possibly turned into a huge deal. The author runs away to avoid the troubles that the lie has brought.

Olivia Taylor said...

Dreams outside of sleep
Imagination busted
Thoughts of me flying

austyn Rosa said...

Fireworks Explode

Chemicals reacting abrupt


joe said...

Inhale hold exhale
The agonizing odor
Just to have some fun

1. It is a poem about lying, but i would like to point out the progression of the poem, it starts off with a white lie, then goes to footsteps on the doorstep, which could mean coming home late, or sneaking out. Then finally escape from the cage, which means completely gone from the house, fully and accomplished "sneaked out".

2. "and then i got high..." (Because i got high, Afro Man). Smoking weed is a pleasure but is extremely guilty because its illegal.

3. The definition of dermatillomania is..
Dermatillomania (also known as compulsive skin picking or CSP) is an impulse control disorder and form of self-injury characterized by the repeated urge to pick at one's own skin, often to the extent that damage is caused.
This means that this person has an addiction of picking his or her own skin, it’s a pleasure because it sooths the temptation, but is also bad because it only hurts you at the end.


JulianStello said...

Burning my throat up

The clouds escape my lungs

I am now on mars

Tiffany said...

Blue ocean take me
Away until I can lay
Atop the water easy

Jasmine Thompson said...

Three in the morning
Open fridge, empty stomach
This will not end well

1. lying/sneaking out the house (cage)
3.imperfections being present, not hidden because he/she is unable to hide them
